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Created: 2022-06-20 03:13:51 +0000 UTC
Image Digest: sha256:ee3b4e67891c6188d10d72119d72be4bb98cc702561cd1b27c4ebebf6397a1a8
Release 4.11.0-fc.2 was created from
Rebuilt images without code change
driver-toolkit git 4e799c04 sha256:852d1ed0ac4d2cfe4982edadf048c97cd751897985e662390c8c3e68f2cb482a
machine-os-content sha256:500e499c57c97d7e0ef297bdb8a2ea4cd5cd4c66d02c6f12ea62debada813b38
machine-os-images git 1150735e sha256:bb3a5439f150546bcc4965dea89c06119aee6f292a539fc6938bcf27e25d15a4
must-gather git 87c1fd3a sha256:d7a20239420ba91f8073e78060801e4aebc7a1c990edec27743432f1569398b6
network-tools git 18451247 sha256:66c2bf9f69aa0651952116b11109d5040732f4e8fe9b4078e65c074955cce03c
Bug 2078778 : UPSTREAM: 110408: apiserver: printers should use int64 #1288
Bug 2089933 : Backport 110191 Re-enable Kubelet Pod Readiness Probes on Termination and Pod probes should be handled by pod worker #1285
Bug 2087685 : Worker Latency Profiles: Config node object validation for extreme profile transition #1287
Bug 2065749 : UPSTREAM: 109103: cpu/memory manager containerMap memory leak #1229
Bug 2094954 : UPSTREAM: 110258: Fix pod eviction ip #1282
UPSTREAM: <carry>: provide unique reason for pod probe event during t… #1281
Bug 2086092 : UPSTREAM: 108284: fix: exclude non-ready nodes and deleted nodes from azure load balancers #1261
Full changelog
Agent: Respect HTTPS_PROXY env vars for proxied connections #19
Fast-Forward from k-sigs #20
Full changelog
Bug 2096315 : Create a patch im CMO for NodeClockNotSynchronising #1604
*: bump Go dependencies #1688
Bug 2057832 : Updates recording rule cluster:telemetry_selected_series:count #1646
Bug 2094704 : remove verbose output from kube-rbac-proxy in Prometheus-k8s pod #1684
Allow deployment of dedicated Alertmanager for user-defined alerts #1661
MON-2480 : Double the ServiceMonitor intervals for SNO #1652
Synchronize versions of the downstream components #1666
whitelist cluster-logging-operator metrics for telemetry #1546
Bug 2090838 : ignore flapping host interface ‘tunbr’ #1681
Full changelog
Bug 2095716 : [psalabelsyncer] - remove openshift-operator from the refused list to sync since it is used by OPC/OLM users to install Operator solutions #79
Bug 2086519 : Introduce Pod Security Admission Label Synchronization controller #75
Full changelog
Updating cluster-version-operator images to be consistent with ART #779
Bug 2091770 : pkg/cvo/updatepayload: Guard against ‘rm -fR -whatever’ with ./* #783
Full changelog
Bug 2090829 : Bump OpenShift router to k8s 1.24 and go 1.18 #395
Updating openshift-enterprise-haproxy-router images to be consistent with ART #374
Bug 2093454 : HAProxy: enable PROXY protocol for all listeners #369
Updating ose-haproxy-router-base images to be consistent with ART #373
Full changelog
Bug 2089224 : Remove monitoring config reconciliation #1420
add allowed CIDR blocks to HostedCluster API #1429
nat gateway: check for invalid eip #1457
Add PowerVS Cloud Controller Manager #1422
Fix the private router to work on a 4.11 mgmt cluster #1453
E2E: Add TestNodepoolMachineconfigGetsRolledout #1339
e2e: notice FailedScheduling or Preempted events #1332
Trim docker-pullable://
prefix when reading imageID from container status #1449
Set snapshot-count on etcd to limit memory usage variability #1448
Add memory rss recording rule #1447
Manage ignition server from CPO #1446
Add recording rule for cpu requests #1445
Adjust memory requests to align with PerfScale recommendations #1444
Enable passing -run parameter in ci-test-e2e #1441
Add recording rule for component memory requests #1442
add api-server-address flags to kubevirt and agent cluster create #1440
CNO operands use private APIServer address when HCP is private #1433
Remove unused kubevirt specific e2e test #1436
Fix the e2e-kubevirt-gcp-ovn CI lane #1434
Increase MHC nodeStartupTimeout #1435
aws private link controller: improve error messages #1432
Use git commit as version in HyperShift binaries #1431
Full changelog
Fix permissions for OCS for the storage gatherer (#640) #640
Do not use the kube-rbac-proxy container (#639) #639
make cluster version condition more flexible (#633) #633
Implement Prometheus Collector pattern (#637) #637
Revert “Implement Prometheus Collector pattern (#607)” (#635) #607
update of the document (#626) #626
create new permanent clusteroperator conditions for SCA & (#621) #621
Implement Prometheus Collector pattern (#607) #607
Full changelog
Bug 2005694 : Removing proxy object takes up to 10 minutes for the changes to propagate to the MCO #3166
Bug 2090794 : drain controller: continue retry after 1h timeout #3167
Bug 2092003 : Fixup of URL for AWS unit/file to compute instance provider-id #3170
Bug 2089775 : Fix regexp in keepalived script #3156
Bug 2087687 : MCO does not generate event when user applies Default -> LowUpdateSlowReaction WorkerLatencyProfile #3163
Updating openshift-proxy-pull-test images to be consistent with ART #2935
Bug 2090358 : Move drain log message to when drain starts #3168
Bug 2089687 : Update alert message for drain failure #3169
Bug 2045559 : Increase keepalived API check fall value to 3 #3158
Bug 2090436 : It takes 30min-60min to update the machine count in custom MachineConfigPools (MCPs) when a node is removed from the pool #3165
Full changelog
Source code for this page located on github