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Created: 2022-06-23 21:39:08 +0000 UTC
Image Digest: sha256:27e84f59d9a9bdd9d65a2728f286bbfb2764aa05ae1f48e1c0c2f8f0a01072c3
Release 4.11.0-fc.3 was created from
Rebuilt images without code change
- machine-os-content
- machine-os-images git 1150735e
- network-tools git 18451247
- Updating ose-aws-cloud-controller-manager images to be consistent with ART #21
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-cluster-update-keys images to be consistent with ART #43
- Update OWNERS #44
- Full changelog
- Bug 2099582: Format and update the repository overview page #11737
- Console 3155: Display Operator logos on a white background on dark them to prevent visual issues and consistency #11491
- Bug 2096908: [Dark Theme]: fix several issues in the dark mode. #11706
- Bug 2093601: allow project access page to update the settings twice #11713
- eventing-create-sink-broker feature | knative-plugin #11717
- Bug 2089405: fix topology build decorator color #11722
- Bug 1993916: Visual feedback on OBC deletion #11415
- Bug 2072793: Update top consumer metrics #11721
- Gherkin and automation of topology usability improvements #11566
- Bug 2089675: Fix for setting position of topology groups with no children #11723
- Bug 2096394: Switch from overriding dark theme pf-c-card background to increasing its boxshadow. #11707
- Bug 2091029: - Cancel rollout action only appears when rollout is completed #11648
- Bug 2097000: fix visualisation of kafka connection along with kafka sink #11718
- Bug 2027603: Fix arbiter zone selection issue #11692
- Bug 2090895: Support startsWith Nav Extension property #11660
- Gherkin and automation of support builds v2 in Dev Console #11709
- Bug 2043068: <x> available of <y> text disappears in Utilization item if x is 0 #11617
- Topology-workload-sidebar feature #11605
- CONSOLE-3162: Implement check for the new i18n annotation for dynamic plugins #11586
- Topology-connecting-workloads and editing app | Topology Automation #11452
- Bug 2036629: Remove NooBaa Management UI link #11680
- Bug 2093600: Added create call before delete call #11704
- Gherkin for add git repository in pipeline as code #11681
- Gherkin and automation of dev usability improvements #11601
- Bug 2097163: Expose useURLPoll hook in internal SDK #11708
- Add extensions for project overview inventory and utilization cards #11620
- Full changelog
- Reduce HyperShift operator metrics cardinality #1467
- docs: refactor agent documentation #1466
- inplaceupgrader: switch to using payload MCO image #1459
- Drop kas call in agent ReconcileCAPIInfraCR and fail if no ign #1469
- Add ValidReleaseImage condition to HostedCluster #1296
- Add missing control plane prometheus rules #1406
- Use right conditions reason for inplace upgrade #1464
- Ensure cache is set during token rotation before reconciling #1460
- Full changelog
- Update CHANGELOG (#642) #642
- insightsclient - do not format OCM error message twice (#641) #641
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-network-interface-bond-cni images to be consistent with ART #32
- Full changelog
- Updating ose-network-metrics-daemon images to be consistent with ART (#46) #46
- Full changelog
- Bug 2079012: Fix egressIP object deletion if the node is deleted first #1143
- Bug 2089392: Update logging for specific policy when creating it #1145
- Bug 2082599: add upper bound to number of failed attempts #1147
- Bug 2094088: Fixes Updating non-default columns as well as libovsdb fixes for empty values #1146
- [release 4.11] Bug 2092579: pods: deleteLogicalPort should not fail if port is already deleted #1123
- Full changelog
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